
Technology Traffic International Features Private Sector Award Winner: ETC

As revenue from fuel taxes falls, and the industry looks for new sources of income, there is increasing focus on tolling technologies. Jack Roper gets a preview of this year’s IBTTA Toll Excellence Award winners, who are certain to inspire anyone planning to roll out new systems.

Click the article above to read the full story.

The IBTTA has worked assiduously to advance the case for national interoperability, developing national standards and supporting agencies in harmonizing their back-office processes as a precondition to doing business together.

Last year’s President’s Award recognized North Carolina Turnpike Authority’s success in creating an interoperable continuum from Florida to Maine with tri-protocol reader technology and IBTTA’s labors are nearing fruition as members grow together into regional hubs which may soon coalesce into one interoperable environment stretching from sea to shining sea.

Since May 2017, the Central United States Interoperability (CUSIOP) Hub has enabled drivers to travel the length of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas using a single transponder from any of seven member agencies. ETC’s brief was to design, develop, test and implement a hub system compliant with US
national interoperability (NIOP) standards to facilitate transaction processing, reporting and reconciliation between authorities. They successfully created the first multi-state hub to meet new NIOP standards with 100% compliance expected before 2020. It has so far processed nearly a billion transactions and over US$1 billion in revenue using standardized transaction and file-transfer protocols. The CUSIOP system is soon expected to begin processing transactions from other hubs and could provide a foundation for multimodal mobility through its capacity to process data from non- tolling transit and ride-share agencies. Crucially, ETC’s success will furnish other hubs with a template for full NIOP compatibility.

“ETC is proud to deliver this next- generation CUSIOP Hub, providing a tolling experience to over 13.5 million customers in three states,” says ETC EVP, Kevin Holbert. Where previous Private Sector winners may have excelled in delivering a specific local project, ETC’s achievement may prove instrumental in shaping a new world of interoperable mobility which spans a continent.

Read the full article here.

About ETC

ETC is a leading global systems and services provider for the tolling and transportation industries, delivering both Roadside systems and Back-Office platforms. For over two decades, the company has been delivering sophisticated solutions to many of the country’s largest toll Authorities and transforming the industry with first-of-its-kind technology advancements. ETC’s solutions process over $3 billion of toll revenue annually.

For additional information, please visit www.etcc.com.

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Colleen Lauless, Marketing and Communications Manager
(o) 214.615.2320 | (c) 469.404.6650